You’ll also master a routine that you have the option to perform with a small group at the end of the course (but only if you dare hehe).
Hear from Current 40+ Students…
We saw it, we wanted it, we hesitated with it. “What if I’m the only “older” one there?” “What if I’m not limber enough?” We’ve got all the questions running through our heads, holding us back from starting pole dancing at the golden ages of 40 and up!
But hell, these years are the years we should throw all doubts behind and reinvent ourselves. We do us, we tick off our bucket list and do the things we feared in our younger years. TPR host 40+ and Fabulous Courses that do just that! If you’re on the fence, hear from our lovely 40+ tribe members and what made them finally say YES to pole and how it has changed their lives.
Dani, 43
- Reason for starting pole: Fitness, strength and fun. Tried it many years ago and keen to restart. The 40+ and Fabulous course was a great way to ease back in.
- First impressions of TPR: Great set up, location and lovely staff.
- What you’ve learnt about yourself by doing pole: I can do so much more than I imagined.
- What you enjoy most about pole: Fun routines, teachers that can personalise teachings to the class and to individuals.
- How would you describe the TPR Tribe: Inclusive, patient, friendly.
- Advice to anyone who is 40+ and wants to try pole: Just do it! You’re not too old! Take it at your own pace. You will love it. Everyone is friendly, judgement-free and full of encouragement.
Raqx, 45
- Reason for starting pole: The short answer is, I needed to be able to touch my toes. The long answer is, because I needed to participate in an exercise that I actually enjoyed and sparked happiness in my life (aka, not the gym). Pole is the only exercise where, not only am I working towards my ultimate goal, but I also get the opportunity to be fierce and sassy while I get there. I’m 40, not dead.
- First impressions of TPR: Staff are incredibly friendly, helpful and truly welcoming – check. Brilliant dance studios with awesome lighting that make you feel like a rockstar – check. A great bunch of people from all walks of life who you will soon be chatting with via Whatsapp groups, supporting and joining you on your pole journey – check.
- What you’ve learnt about themselves by doing pole: (WARNING: Games of Thrones analogy incoming) Imagine this, if you took a much older (and chunkier) Brienne of Tarth out of her armour and told her to climb a pole, that would be the best way to describe my starting point. However, as I have completed my first term of pole with TPR, I have started to notice the small improvements in strength and flexibility that bring me closer to becoming the pole dancer I want to be. Basically, I have learnt that it is from not giving up and keeping on trying and having fun. I will eventually land myself a Lannister, no matter where I started from.
- What you enjoy most about pole: I get to finish my day at work and go dancing on a week night.
- How would you describe the TPR Tribe: This is a tribe that embraces you, encourages you, and helps you to achieve your pole goals. It’s not just the owners and the teachers that make this such a fabulous tribe, but it’s the great bunch of people who participate and support you along the way. Every time I leave class, although a little sore from the workout and attracting some “pole kisses,” I leave with the biggest smile on my face.
- Advice to anyone who is 40+ and wants to try pole: YOU. CAN. DO. IT. Prior to joining TPR, I wanted to “get fit” and “build my strength” by using a gym membership to a magical place in Narnia I never went to. I saw 40+ and Fabulous and said to myself, “F It”, I jumped in head first. I can honestly say I have zero regrets. Why? Because no matter what stage you are at, TPR will support and respect the pace you need to take in order to reach your fitness and dancing goal. And hey, you won’t be the only fabulous one there 😊
Bromwyn, 52
- Reason for starting pole: Social activity with my bestie!
- First impression of TPR: Inviting and warm
- What have you learned about yourself by doing pole: I’ve only done one class, but I know that I can laugh at myself and have fun with out being self conscious.
- What do you enjoy most about pole: Meeting new people and realising I am ME and that is okay. Lumps and bumps included.
- How would you describe the TPR Tribe: Friendly, welcoming and extremely supportive of my achievements, no matter how small.
- Advice to anyone who is 40+ and wants to try pole: Lumps, bumps are okay. You are not as sore after class as you think you may be. Sockettes are a must. Being uncoordinated and lacking in gracefulness are not reasons to not give it a go!
Sue Crute, a TPR student story…
Sitting opposite me in the foyer of The Pole Room is a woman as graceful and delicate as the white rose on the table in front of her although, with Sue, there is always more than meets the eye. Outside of The Pole Room Sue is a 62 year old community care attendant who loves to read, be in the garden and spend time with her two whippet dogs and cat, but inside the studio Sue is much more than many people her age dare to be – she’s an inspiring pole artist; as fierce, strong and sexy as any person that steps foot into a TPR pole dancing class. As the gentle morning sun lights up the room, I watch as Sue’s eyes light up similarly when she talks about her deep love of Pole Dancing.
So why did you start pole dancing Sue?
I guess because I was getting bored at the gym and I wanted to incorporate some beauty, style, grace and finesse into my workout and at the same time make it fun and hang onto what sexiness I still have left (laughs).
I want to do pole dancing now because the time will come when I can’t do it anymore because I’ll be far too old. So this is a big priority in my life at the moment.
What do your friends think of you doing pole dancing?
Well, some of them are a bit, you know, (putting on a hilariously patronizing face) “Ohhh yeah?” But most people are supportive because they realise that I’ve become very focused and that if I go for something I go in – boots and all – and that’s it. I can really latch onto something. I’ve had some people in my age group sort of literally look me up and down and go “Pffft”, you know?
And what do you say to that?
Well, I say to them: “What’s the alternative? Be like YOU?” (Laughs). No I don’t say that, I don’t say that. But I do say, “Well, you know what, I’m quite happy about it; I’m happy and comfortable with what I do, so make your own arrangements bud.” Basically, I think you get to a certain age, well I know I did, where I don’t really give a damn anymore. Honestly, I know that there’s nothing I can do to change anyone else’s mind; all I’m responsible for is me.
Absolutely, whatever makes you happy. And what do you think about people that criticize pole dancing in general?
What I try to do is, I try to find a nice opportunity to politely let them know that it is a fitness modality. Yes, it may well have started out in strip clubs years ago and it might still be in strip clubs, however, it is now a bona fide fitness modality and it is gaining worldwide recognition and I think there is even a move to push it into the Olympic arena.
So why do you come to The Pole Room?
Because it’s just a great community, its very supportive, very nurturing, and everybody really is out for everybody, you know. No ones nasty; it’s a very nurturing place.
Which pole dancer inspires you the most?
Well, Jas (Owner) obviously is one. And Mel, my instructor; and Jules (another instructor) too. There’s too many to name! Each dancer has their own style that’s quite distinctive.
Anybody that can do better than me inspires me. Anybody who is doing the best they can and I can see improvement in, inspires me. Even if they’re in a lower level than I am, I get inspired by their dedication and efforts and the motivation that they have.
And in the same way do you feel like you inspire others that aren’t yet at your level?
Apparently I do. It’s only recently that it’s come to my attention though, and I was really quite gob-smacked, and also very touched.
I don’t think you realise just how much everyone here is so moved by you. Not just by your pole progression, but who you are as a person; the positivity you bring to this space and the spirit you bring to this community.
Stop it, you’ll make me cry.
It’s true! We absolutely love you here because what you bring to this space is something that every single person here looks up to as women of all ages. Even these teachers that inspire you, you inspire them in return.
It makes me cry when I think that there are people here that really look up to me, you know, I just feel so ordinary.
But you’re not, you know?
Yeah, I’m just an ordinary person that goes home to a messy house and has to shower and wash the dishes and all that.
But you forgot to add that you’re also an inspirational pole dancer. I heard that you are going to perform a routine in front of everyone soon, even though being in front of an audience is hard for you?
Well it is because I’m, not really a centre-of-attention type of person. I know I’m a bit loud and brassy at times (laughs), but yeah, this performance is kind of a personal challenge I’ve had for quite a long time.
What’s the song and how would you describe the dance?
Everybody wants to rule the world, by Lorde. And it’s dramatic; dramatic and sexy.
Amazing, and what would you say to anyone of any age that is thinking of starting a pole journey?
Do it!
Simply, do it?
Yes, do it! Because at the end of the day we all have the same insecurities and anxieties and everybody else around you has got the same difficulties. We are all really the same so you may as well just get in there and do it. And honestly, you never know where it might take you…
If you’re ready to conquer confidence, and become the boldest version of you (despite having a crazy schedule), make a visit to The Pole Room. Skills-based courses and classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self.