5 Things to Bring to Your First Pole Class

May 05th, 2022
By thepoleroom

Okay, so you just signed up for your first ever pole dance class. You’re giddy and excited and can’t wait to try something cool and new! But while you’re packing your pole bag, you realise that pole dancing isn’t the gym you’re used to. So you’re wondering, “what should I bring to class?” First off, yourself! Of course. LOL okay, on to the next. 

Here’s a checklist of what to take to your pole debut:

1. Water Bottle. Hydration is essential! Pole dancing is a rigorous form of exercise and requires a lot of movement, cardio, flexing and bending. You need to keep yourself hydrated throughout the session. Don’t worry though, we have water stations for when you need a refill.

2. Pole Grip. Palms are sweaty? Eminem had a problem with that too! But nothing some pole grip can’t fix. Available in fun-size tubes at your studio, each one has different textures, scents and levels of grip, depending on your preference. Make sure you try them all until you find one that fits your training regimen just right. If you’re starting out, ask your studio manager for their best advice.

3. Towel. Towels serve more than one purpose. They’re not just for wiping off sweat. They’re handy for wiping down the pole too. So have a spare one on standby. You’ll thank us later.

4. Kneepads. Floor work and pole go hand-in-hand! There’ll be lots of knees sweeping the floor and rising up that pole! So make sure you have your kneepads ready. Take it from us, you want to be able to move freely, without having to worry about bruising.

5. Shorts. The more skin showing, the better. Not just because it shows off your go-getter self. Exposing more skin means you’ll be able to grip on the pole and execute tricks with more finesse. That’s why most of the pole vids you see on your feed show off short shorts and cropped tops. 

Most importantly, walk through those doors with enthusiasm. Your attitude will take you from total newbie to an inverting, splitting, dancing pole trickster. All good if you don’t have heels and heel protectors on hand. There’s plenty of styles at the studio for you to try on after your class.

So, you ready? Got your uplifting energy and your pole bag in check? Let’s go for a spin!


If you’re ready to conquer confidence, and become the boldest version of you, make a visit to The Pole Room. Skills-based courses and classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self. Click here to get started!

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