TERM 1 STARTS MONDAY 13 JAN. Bookings open 9 Jan!

Confidence: It Starts From These 4 Places

Let’s be real. All of us have moments where we catch ourselves standing in front of the mirror, criticising what we see. Whether it’s our facial features, our body types, or even the number on the scale, we find ourselves in constant battles of wanting what we don’t have. When we’re not comfortable in our own skin, it stops us from living to the full. We make excuses to skip social activities, we keep our cameras off in Zoom meetings, and we tell ourselves we can’t wear certain clothes because we’re “too this” or “too that”.

If you catch yourself see-sawing with self-doubt and self-esteem, I hear you, GF! I’ve certainly been guilty of letting reality TV determine how I’ve felt about myself. Body love is an ongoing journey, and as a mum with 2 kids, I can tell you it’s something I work towards every day.

So how do we stop the media from setting the benchmark on how we feel about ourselves? How do we gain the confidence to feel deserving, own the spotlight, and take advantage of the opportunities that come our way? Everyone navigates their own path, but throughout my mission to be a positive-body role model for my kids, I’ve learnt to do the following 4 things to help remind myself that every-body is worth loving.

1. Owning your top traits

Start each day by counting 3 things that you’re grateful for. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE has things about themselves that are worth celebrating. It may be a quality about yourself, or feature that you like. Big or small, bringing awareness to your strengths is a great way to put your #BossVibes on.

2. Celebrating what makes you, YOU

I once had a dance teacher who taught me a very important lesson…She said “everyone has their weaknesses. Instead of hiding them, embrace them! Make them work for YOU.” There are always going to be niggly things about ourselves that we want to change. Instead of thinking we need to fit a certain profile or look like the next trending influencer, we need to show up and give credit to these things that give us character…because that boldness is attractive!

3. Harnessing the power of positive self talk

Words are a powerful thing. Try this: For a whole day, pay close attention to your language and self talk. Do you catch yourself beating yourself up or using limiting words? Turn it right around! For example, instead of saying “I hate that I no longer fit into my high school jeans”, say “I love the fact I can indulge, enjoy myself on weekends, and have a wardrobe that flaunts my sensuality!”

4. Spending time in a community that loves you back

They say it takes a village to raise a child. I’m going to say it takes a Tribe to teach the art of self-love! Developing self empowerment is one thing, but to have a community that celebrates belongingness, freedom of self expression and diversity, is a big part of filtering out negative chatter. That’s exactly what I found with The Pole Room. It’s the one place where I’m focussed on what my body is capable of. Because when I’m doing tricks, dancing it out, and being cheered on by a room full of uplifting souls, there’s no second-guessing who I am and what I can achieve.

If you’re ready to conquer confidence and take control of the beliefs that have held you back from being the boldest version of you, make a visit to The Pole Room. Classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self.  Click here to get started!

– Article By Shanae D

Preparing for a Pole Dance Competition

Competitions are hard. I’ll say that again. Competition are hard!

They take a huge toll on you financially, mentally and physically. But are they worth it? Hell yes! Taking to the stage and brining your ideas to life in front of a crowd is one of the most amazing, terrifying, and liberatingly addictive experiences. For those new to the competition scene, here are a few of my top tips for getting competition ready.

Every competition is different. They have different criteria, different stage dimensions, number of poles, distance between poles, costume and music requirements, the list is endless! Get as much information from the competition organisers as you can before you start choreographing. If you’re unsure of something, just ask! Can you imaging creating the perfect 3-and-a-half-minute routine, only to find out they’re going to cut your music at 3 minutes! Preparation is key.

Pick your song, costume and theme early, and have a back up plan just in case. Most competitions wont let two competitors dance to the same song, so it’s a good idea to have something in mind before you apply, then get in early to secure your song choice. If you’ve ever been to a Pole Competition, you’ve probably noticed the most memorable routines have a solid theme which is carried throughout by the song, costume and the choreography. While it can be tempting to dance to a song you absolutely love, it will pay to delve a little deeper and develop a character to portray on stage.



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