The TPR Tribe Manifesto

Feb 12th, 2022
By thepoleroom

What does it mean to be part of the TPR Tribe? What are our values? What do we stand for?

With the help of our wonderful students, we’ve put together the TPR Tribe Manifesto to remind our community to live their best life through pole and aerial.

Being part of the TPR Tribe means you’re committed to being the sassiest, most bad-ass, confident version of yourself. When you’re strutting around in those heels or doing things that are only made possible at the studios, there’s nothing that can stop you.

When you bring that mindset into your day-to-day, you’re invincible, powerful, fierce, and determined to achieve the impossible. A TPR Tribe Member sees beauty in themselves, and in others. They are accepting, open and free of judgement. Instead of trying to compete against their peers, a TPR Tribe member lifts them up, inspiring all those around them to be their very best. Because of this, a TPR Tribe is a total force to be reckoned with!

They are magnetic and share their infectious energy across their work and personal lives. Wearing your TPR Tribe badge means you live a life that is full of passion and excitement. You’re bold in taking risks, you know how to have fun, and you don’t hold back.

The person you see in the mirror is strong, secure and proud of who they have become. And when challenges and self doubt come your way, you know you can lean on your fellow TPR Tribe members (and that inner voice in your head) that reminds you that you can do absolutely anything.


If you’re ready to conquer confidence, and take control of the beliefs that have held you back from being the boldest version of you, make a visit to The Pole Room. Classes are fun, relaxed and totally beginner-friendly. Even if you feel un-co, or have never set foot in a dance studio in your life, you’ll be in the hands of instructors who will work with you to become your best self. Send a message to [email protected] for a complimentary trial class. X

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